Lakeshore United Church Women
From Marilyn Elgie Lakeshore UCW President
Some UCW news to share!!
April 25, 2023
1. Church Council
Church council at their meeting on April 19th discussed a date for Lakeshore Anniversary. This year is the 10th anniversary for the joining in fellowship of the Benmiller, North Street, and Victoria church families.
The Anniversary church service will be June 11, 2023.
I have indicated that the UCW will provide coffee, and cake. If you are able to help, please contact me. (Marilyn at 529 440 0019, or [email protected])
2. WOW Annual meeting April 22nd
" Where Faith is there is Hope" ..the national church UCW message.
"For the Love of Creation" was the theme for the WOW annual meeting. The ladies were asked to think what that means, and shared their thoughts.
The UCW Healing Fund supporting Indigenous women and children, is the focus for the next 5 years. $3487.60 has already been donated by UCW Groups to the end of March. What can Lakeshore UCW do to add support to this worthwhile project?
3. Food Handling Course
Jean Taylor has been in touch with Huron Perth Health Unit and has arranged to have food handling manuals provided so folks can gain current certification. She has arranged that anyone wishing to write the test may do so for a $10 cost.
If you are interested contact Jean. ( 519 524 1862)
4. UCW Executive Positions
Thank you to all those who have offered to hold an executive position. We are seeking a vice president, a second organizer for funeral lunches, ( thank you to Sandra Hindman for volunteering to plan lunches), and we need phoners ( at least 2 ) to call for 'cookies'/ squares.
5. Spring Newsletters (special offering)
Newsletters have been handed out or mailed. If you have not received a newsletter there will be some in the church narthex.
The spring meeting committee is busy planning. Watch for information on the upcoming spring gathering.
Serving in Friendship ... and having some fun along the way!

For over 60 years the United Church Women across the United Church of Canada have given of their time, talent and resources to support the mission and ministry of local congregations and the wider church at all levels. It is no different for the United Church Women at Lakeshore.
When the three founding congregations amalgamated, so too did the UCW groups at each church - North St., Victoria St. and Benmiller churches. The amalgamation of the groups brought renewed energy and momentum. Often there are over 60 women in attendance at a UCW meeting or meal.
The Lakeshore UCW is involved with the Presbyterial UCW, which is a regional gathering of UCW groups who meet regularly for fellowship, study and worship.
If you would like to get involved with the UCW or attend their meetings, watch the Church bulletin, or contact the office, 519-524-2103.
UCW Mission Statement
Love God
Foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality.
Promote respect and love for all God's creation.
When the three founding congregations amalgamated, so too did the UCW groups at each church - North St., Victoria St. and Benmiller churches. The amalgamation of the groups brought renewed energy and momentum. Often there are over 60 women in attendance at a UCW meeting or meal.
The Lakeshore UCW is involved with the Presbyterial UCW, which is a regional gathering of UCW groups who meet regularly for fellowship, study and worship.
If you would like to get involved with the UCW or attend their meetings, watch the Church bulletin, or contact the office, 519-524-2103.
UCW Mission Statement
Love God
Foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality.
Promote respect and love for all God's creation.